Deductible Donations is a private company which brings together charities with resellers
so that an efficient deductible donation relationship can exist. In this roll, we offer our services to both charities and
resellers. We attempt to structure all charity / reseller arrangements on a cost plus basis. In this way, there is no
interest conflict in our role: The more a donated asset sells for, the more each party obtains... and the more the donor
is able to legally take as a tax deduction. Further we offer tax references without advice or interpretation
to potential donors and buyers of vehicles.
We, ourselves, are not a charity, nor
purport to be one; we are not fundraisers;
and we do not directly solicit vehicles /
assets for donations.
Should we be approached, we refer the donor to a charity under agreement or, if reasonable,
attempt to make an arrangement with a recognized charity of the donor's choice. We expect the charity
to provide the first steps in an asset donation drive. From such beginnings donations programs normally grow via word
of mouth. We encourage resellers to support charities' efforts.
Unless retained by a charity for consulting / marketing services, or waived altogether, we earn fees through
the reseller based again on a cost per donation plus a percentage. In this way, all parties attempt to maximize revenue
while providing the consumer a worthy vehicle at very reasonable price due to the originating donation.
We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information.
You may reach us at:
John David Sottile
or call